Dental caries is also known as tooth decay and is one of the most common dental problems. You might also call them as a cavity, a very common name used to identify dental caries. While the disease is wild in terms of growth, the good news is that it is preventable. However, dentist in New Britain state that to avoid or fight dental caries it is first important to have in-depth knowledge about them. Dental caries is formed when the acidic nature of the mouth becomes high. This happens when you eat certain types of food items which, when broken down, create an acidic substance that reacts with the tooth enamel, causing the damage.
Common causes of dental caries:
Depending upon the type of caries, the causes can be different. There are two common types of caries; one is occlusal caries and other inter-proximal caries.
Occlusal caries: these caries are formed on top of the teeth. The front of the teeth comes in direct and frequent contact of food particles and hence occlusal caries are formed.
Inter-proximal Caries: these caries develop in between the teeth.
The common reason of both the caries is the development of harmful bacteria. When you do not take proper care of your teeth, the bacteria start feeding on the sugar leftover from the food you ate and convert it into acid, this acid reacts with the name and causes caries. As the acid starts working on your enamel, the first stage is known as dental caries.
What are the symptoms of dental caries?
As per dental care clinic center, the most common symptoms of dental caries include:
- Holes on the teeth
- Pits in the tooth
- Consistent toothache
Common dental caries treatment:
As soon as you identify any symptom of dental caries, you must consult family dentist New Britain. The doctor would suggest you the best treatment for your dental condition. The four common treatments for dental caries include:
- Fillings: the dentist would clean and fill the dental cavity with the best filling material.
- Crowns: in case of large damage, the dentist may seal the tooth with an artificial crown to avoid further damage.
- Root Canal: in case the caries have entered to the root of the tooth and affected the root pulp, the dentist may suggest root canal treatment.
- Extraction: in the worst case scenario, the dentist may extract the tooth to avoid damage to the adjacent teeth.
Dental caries can be the reason of severe tooth decay and must be treated in time.